When a woman is faced with the devastation of hair loss, whether a temporary incident or a more permanent condition, it can be both scary as well as depressing. It doesn’t have to be that way. There is a wealth of product available to remedy the situation. It’s 2018 and there is no shame associated with wearing hair.
Alternative Hair Solutions is committed to prioritizing women with medical hair loss. For us, It is not an afterthought, it is our only thought. We are not a hair salon, but rather a private studio whose client base is predominately women with hair loss.
Our business was spawned out of an escalating need for high quality, natural looking products.
We have an extensive assortment of carefully curated hair systems from around the globe. If a wig is needed or desired, we have a full line of varied cap constructions, densities and hair types. We also have a diverse group of options for localized hair loss which can result from many things such as different types of alopecia, female pattern baldness or cold cap applications, to name a few.
We work tirelessly to get the word out to professionals on the front lines such as nurse navigators, patient coordinators or social workers who are faced daily with the question” Where do I go?”
We offer a complimentary consultation by appointment only. 203 987 5948 ext. 1. #althairsolutions