Size Matters

At Alternative Hair, we know and understand that heads come in all shapes and sizes and do not necessarily correspond to your body type. You could be petite with a larger head circumference or larger boned with a small head circumference. When fitted correctly, once you have adjusted to the concept of wearing hair, you shouldn’t be aware that you have something on your head. There are 6 measurements that determine a size, it is possible that your individual measurements could span two sizes.

In addition to the standard petite, regular and large size wigs, we also have sizes that accommodate clients that fall between standard measurements.
This can allow us to provide a stock product for clients who might otherwise need a custom order, thus saving both time and money. Visit our website at or call (203) 987 -5948 ext 1 to set up a first time, complimentary consultation. #wecanhelp, #althairsolutions