My Hair Twin | Alternative Hair Solutions

How much will my wig cost?

My journey into the world of hair options began when I was 41. Of course, the need for hair options came at a time when my natural tresses where absolutely perfect. My hair was finally the right length, the right color, and had the right amount of highlights. Was it the perfect storm, or was it nature’s cruelty set out to humble me? I’m not really sure, but I soon learned that my exact hair twin was out there in the form of a beautiful wig.

At the time of my pending chemo I dreaded the thought of my next steps. Feeling the reality of it all setting in, I waited until the final moments to see what exactly was available to me. In my very first appointment I found my hair twin! While that’s not always how it happens, I was lucky enough to have it happen for me.  The experience can be compared to finding the perfect wedding dress. You may love it initially, but it might take a few minor adjustments or additional fittings to get it exactly the way you feel most comfortable.  Sometimes customizing the wig for your face will require a trim or an added layer and possibly a highlight or two.

My hair twin became my better half. Since it was not subjected to being slept on (bed-head), washed, over dried, or other factors such as high humidity, over processing, or a scissor-happy hair stylist, I soon learned that I could easily slip my hair on and have it perfect in under five minutes. As someone who always struggled with blow-drying her own hair, I began to wonder if this could actually be quite a blessing. It was instant gratification for something I had previously labored on for hours. In today’s microwave society, I have to ask: who doesn’t like instant results?

Now that my hair has returned to normal, I must admit that I have an even greater appreciation for the ability to have perfect tresses in an instant. Once you get past the initial diagnosis, there’s a lot of freedom in the wonderful options available today.

Come visit us for a complimentary consultation call 203 987 5948 ext 1 or drop by our website at