Ask me about: Look Good Feel Better

As someone diagnosed with breast cancer I didn’t want to be part of “The Club” so when it was offered to me to go for a Look Good Feel Better session, immediately I said “No,thank you”. After all, I had a terrific support team and the last thing I wanted to be reminded of was my diagnosis. Somehow I believed by not being associated with support groups, I was somehow handling my own journey. I was strong. I was different then others.

How silly of me! I can only tell you that now. I am a fully certified volunteer for the program. Each month, I have the privileged of being present with some of the bravest and beautiful woman I have had the pleasure to meet. When the session begins we are all strangers with a common denominator: the big C. As the session ends we are all team members ready to fight back on the identity loss that can come from this illness.

We share tips and walk you through a step by step program that the American Cancer Society has worked long and hard to provide. There are fabulous make up and skin care products available for each participant. It is also a great resource for wigs both human and synthetic including care and tips on other accessories.

This is the first part in a series I will be posting about. I am interested to hear your questions. Please feel free to comment.

We can help! Visit or call (203) 987 5948 Ext 1

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